Hemoglobin a1c normal range in percentage
Hemoglobin a1c normal range in percentage

You are unique and you need advice based on your own set of circumstances. The American Diabetes Association suggests an A1C of 7 percent for nonpregnant adults, which is an eAG of 154 mg/dl, but more or less stringent glycemic goals may be appropriate for each individual. Your doctor should measure your A1C level at least twice a year. By measuring the percentage of A1C in the blood, you get an overview of your average blood glucose control for the past few months. The more glucose in your blood, the more hemoglobin gets glycated. Glucose enters your red blood cells and links up (or glycates) with molecules of hemoglobin. Its job is to carry oxygen from the lungs to all the cells of the body. Hemoglobin, a protein that links up with glucose, is found inside red blood cells. People with diabetes are also more likely to check their blood glucose more often when they are low (for example, first thing in the morning and before meals), so the average of readings on their meter is likely to be lower than their eAG. Monitoring measures your blood glucose at a moment in time, whereas eAG/A1C represent an average of your glucose levels 24 hours a day, including times when people are less likely to check their blood sugar (for example, post-meal periods of higher blood sugar). The catch is that eAG/A1C is not the same average glucose level as the average of the readings on your meter. The difference between eAG/A1C and the average on your monitor eAG may help you understand your A1C value because eAG is reported as the same unit (mg/dL) that you see through self-monitoring on your meter or continuous glucose monitor (CGM). Your health care provider may report your A1C test result as eAG, or "average glucose," which directly correlates to your A1C. Showing you how healthy choices can make a difference in diabetes control.Judging whether a treatment plan is working.Confirming self-testing results or blood test results by the doctor.

hemoglobin a1c normal range in percentage

The A1C test can help you manage your diabetes by: Neither a single day's blood test results nor a single game's batting record gives the same big picture. In some ways, the A1C test is like a baseball player's season batting average: it tells you about a person's overall success. The results give you and your diabetes care team a good idea of how well your diabetes treatment plan is working. The A1C test gives you a picture of your average blood glucose (blood sugar) control for the past two to three months.

hemoglobin a1c normal range in percentage

What is the difference between eAG and the average on my monitor?

Hemoglobin a1c normal range in percentage