Vaporum mystery
Vaporum mystery

None of the later puzzles could really be solved logically. There was none here so you guessed on most things (and generally died) over and over until you figured it out.


Good game design says you should give the players some sort of hint on how to solve something either directly or indirectly. The last complaint is that the later puzzles are pretty much trial and error. Given the options it seems like leveling could have been a little faster. There were several interesting abilities I wanted to try but given the limited leveling you would have to almost completely focus on one area to unlock them. Another complaint I had was the leveling was limited compared to the options made available. On more than one occasion combat simply boiled down to who could last longer. Another area of complaint is the continual reliance on locking you into an area with waves of enemies that could either hit you from any where in the room or simply corner you quickly. It also causes the immersion factor to drop since you couldn't imagine anyone working in such an area (for long) with holes without rails. Given the old school controls this doesn't work out so well. Every area had arbitrary holes in the floor for you to fall through, especially during combat. It was like the devs had a fetish for it. The biggest issue I had was all the holes in the floor. No bugs were found but there were some questionable design decisions.

vaporum mystery vaporum mystery vaporum mystery

It did a far better job of capturing the old school RPGs than Legend of Grimrock and the story was predictable but entertaining. It did a far better job of capturing the old school RPGs than Legend of Grimrock and the story was predictable but Overall fun game.

Vaporum mystery