

The data model was designed to be maintained with client ’ s webservice (.NET) and was represented in the app with CoreData accessed via JSON-REST.The data was viewed hierarchically, arranged within multiple container views.The data included photos, documents (Word, PDF, JPEG), map (GIS), contacts, and status.


The application was to support the gathering, storage, and accessibility of a variable number of projects ’ data. party frameworks, including Storyboarding, CoreData, CoreGraphics, OpenGLES, CoreText, MediaPlayer, ShinobiCharts, and ArcGIS.

  • The app utilized a wide range of iOS frameworks and 3rd.
  • As part of a team was responsible for developing the UI of an iPad app for one of idea Integration’s clients.

  • Updated TopXNotes iOS, TopXNotes Free, and TopXNotes Pro should be in the.
  • Recently updated TopXNotes iOS for iOS 7 using Xcode 5.1.1.
  • Have also developed TopXNotes Pro, which supports encrypted notes and an UIActivityViewController for printing, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
  • Also developed TopXNotes Free, a free (light) version of TopXNotes touch that takes advantage of iAd and In-App purchase.
  • TopXNotes iOS allows a user to maintain notes using TopXNotes on the Macintosh, and to keep them in sync via WIFI.
  • TopXNotes iOS is a tabbed application with multiple table views, picker views, and modal views.
  • Developed TopXNotes iOS, an iPhone TopXNotes companion application that went on sale in the App Store June 15, 2010.
  • topxnotes

    Authored iPhone app iCharge, a SOAP-based WSDL web service consuming client, credit card authorization application, for Tropical Software ’ s web store processor in Florida.Attended Apple ’ s invitation-only 2008 iPhone Tech Talk and 2012 iOS 5 Tech Talk World Tour held in Austin, Texas.Performed contract work developing Cocoa touch iPhone apps using Objective-C and Xcode for Tropical Software.Authored Cocoa application Kitchen Timer, an egg timer application, and placed in Tropical Software ’ s web store and Apple ’ s Mac App Store.


    Authored Macintosh Cocoa application SerialBlaster, a Tropical Software internal application for maintaining product serial numbers.Re - branded 2Remember, a Cocoa to-do list application acquired from another developer, for Tropical Software ’ s web store and Apple ’ s Mac App Store.Also prepared 2 subsequent Apple ’ s App Store TopXNotes updates. Performed all engineering on last 8 updates of TopXNotes into Tropical Software ’ s web store and placement into Apple’s Mac App Store.Converted TopXNotes source code from MacOS Classic CodeWarrior/PowerPC to MacOS X Xcode/Universal Binary. Performed contract work modifying and enhancing Tropical Software’s (Neptune Beach, Florida) Macintosh software products, primarily TopXNotes, a notes/contact manager application.
